Velma III – Female Yellow Labrador Retriever
Velma III was born on July 8, 2016 to Male Yellow Labrador Retriever Kepler II [Front] [Side], and Female Black Labrador Retriever Irene VII [Front] [Side]. She was raised by Pat. The litter of four puppies included black male Vanderbilt, yellow males Venetto and Voit, and yellow female Velma. Velma’s shave was LSF.
Litter videos: [07-10-16], [07-30-16], [07-20-16], [08-03-16], [08-18-16], and [08-11-16].
Litter photos: Kepler & Irene 07.08.16
LASW Kin of Velma III (on 2021-10-26):
Abe V: 2nd Cousin
Amari I: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Asia III: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Ava III: 2nd Cousin
Crescent IV: Great Aunt
Delmar V: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Dreamer V: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Jess IV: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Khaki I: Great Aunt
Macklin II: Nephew
Manhattan III: 2nd Cousin
Mesa IV: 2nd Cousin
Milo IV: Brother
Panya I: 2nd Cousin
Regan II: 2nd Cousin
Ricki III: Great Aunt
Wendell V: 2nd Cousin
Wonder IV: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Zola III: Great Aunt
Zuzu IV: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved