As puppy Raisers, we loved what we did. Because we were always eager to talk about our puppies and Guide Dogs for the Blind, our Leader and Raisers were available to give presentations to groups free of charge.
Along with our puppies, we gave presentations to schools (from elementary through university), service organizations (Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis, Woman’s Clubs), senior citizen groups, religious organizations, retiree groups, vision impaired groups, Scouts and many others.
Our presentations could be tailored to fit the needs of the audience and can include a range of topics, demonstrations, and audience participation activities including:
- discussion about types of visual impairments
- qualifications to receive a Guide Dog or a guide dog puppy to train
- demonstrations of puppy handling and training
- how to properly approach and pet a dog
- description of the guide dog lifestyle from a guide dog user’s perspective
Naturally we allow time for our audiences to meet and pet our adorable stars.
In addition to the presentations discussed above, GDB and LA SouthWest Puppy Raisers attended events where we displayed an exhibit and participated in activities.
Our exhibit could be tailored to your event and could include:
- on-going slide show of our pups in training
- demonstrations of pups in action
- brochures about GDB
- some of the equipment used in training our pups
- and, most popular of all, our puppies in training available for people to meet and pet.