Velma III – Female Yellow Labrador Retriever
Velma III was born on July 8, 2016 to Male Yellow Labrador Retriever Kepler II [Front] [Side], and Female Black Labrador Retriever Irene VII [Front] [Side]. She was raised by Pat. The litter of four puppies included black male Vanderbilt, yellow males Venetto and Voit, and yellow female Velma. Velma’s shave was LSF.
Litter videos: [07-10-16], [07-30-16], [07-20-16], [08-03-16], [08-18-16], and [08-11-16].
Litter photos: Kepler & Irene 07.08.16
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III at 10 weeks
Velma III at 12 weeks
Velma III at 12 weeks
Velma III at 13 weeks on stairs
Velma III at the vets - 16 weeks
Velma III at Paws of Fame 2016-10-29 Puppy Raiser Appreciation luncheon
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III tongue
Velma III bigger tongue
Velma III biggest tongue
Velma III
Velma III at Kelsea's workplace
Velma III 2017-02-09
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III with student, 2017-02-13
Velma III at 9 months
Velma III at 9 months
Velma III on a bus
Velma III
Velma III tongue
Velma III tongue
Velma III tongue
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III
Velma III at Downtown Disney
Velma III with some of her breeder family
Velma III, to be sure
LASW Kin of Velma III (on 2021-10-26):
Abe V: 2nd Cousin
Amari I: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Asia III: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Ava III: 2nd Cousin
Crescent IV: Great Aunt
Delmar V: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Dreamer V: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Jess IV: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Khaki I: Great Aunt
Macklin II: Nephew
Manhattan III: 2nd Cousin
Mesa IV: 2nd Cousin
Milo IV: Brother
Panya I: 2nd Cousin
Regan II: 2nd Cousin
Ricki III: Great Aunt
Wendell V: 2nd Cousin
Wonder IV: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved UP
Zola III: Great Aunt
Zuzu IV: 1st Cousin 1xRemoved