Tracy II – Female Yellow Labrador Retriever
Tracy was born on March 13, 2015 to Male Yellow Labrador Retriever Belay I and Female Black Labrador Retriever Dolly III. She was raised by Kelsea. The litter included black male Tad, yellow males Tony, Topper, and Tracker, black females Tessa and Tetris and yellow females Tracy and Toga. Tracy’s shave was left hip (LHF).
Litter videos: [3.15.15], [3.22.15], [3.27.15], [4.3.15], [4.10.15], [4.17.15], and [4.24.15]
Litter photos: Belay x Dolly litter, 3.13,15
Tracy has graduated at Guide Dogs for the Deaf as a “Certified Hearing Dog”.