Cisco IV
Cisco IV
MLGX (3/4 golden)
March 07 2015
Amador VI, GLD / Toffee II, LGX
Cisco was born on March 7, 2015 to Male Golden Retriever Amador VI and Female Labrador Golden Retriever Cross (1/2 golden) Toffee II. The litter (all yellow) consisted of males Calder, Cisco, Connor, Cruiser and Cinco, and females Calico, Cello, Cherish and Cherub. Cisco’s shave mark was right shoulder (RSM).
Litter videos: [03.09.15], [03.16.15], [03.23.15], [03.30.15], [04.06.15], and [04.13.15]
Litter photos: Amador x Toffee litter, 3.7.15
Cisco was raised by Barbara (HH).